Thursday 27 April 2023

No Meat May - Ratatouille Lasagne Recipe


- Left over ratatouille - the recipe for ratatouille can be found in the previous blog post

- 3 cups of low fat soy milk

- 2 tbsp nutritional yeast

- 1 tbsp plain flour

- 2 tbsp Nuttelex Buttery

- 1 packet of lasagne sheets

- 1 cup of grated vegan cheese



- To make the white sauce, melt the Nuttelex Buttery in a saucepan on a low heat, then slowly add flour and mix. Incorporate soy milk to make a smooth consistency and continue stirring until thickened. 

- Line the bottom of a baking tray with lasagne sheets, then cover with ratatouille mix and white sauce. Repeat the layers, then cover the white sauce with grated vegan cheese and nutritional yeast. 

We have also layered with additional mushrooms.

- Bake in a moderate oven for approximately 30 minutes until the cheese is melted and the corners browned. 

- Serve with salad of your choice.


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