Just like people, animals can get skin cancer, and we've nursed a number of residents with this condition over the years. These cancers typically present as basal or squamous cell carcinoma, and can be treated, or at the least managed, with veterinary assistance. Brownie is one such patient, having undergone two procedures for skin cancer since his arrival in the Valley as a young lamb. When tiny, Brownie was impacted by serious fly blowing which damaged over one third of the skin on his back. He came to the Sanctuary with extensive wounds, and his recovery was slow. While the wounds healed, sadly his thick woolly coat in those damaged areas never did, which then became hot spots for cancer growth.
Last year, two large cancers emerged on Brownie's back. These grew quickly, and a third surgery was imminent. Fortunately, for this third surgery, Dr Barney, a specialist equine surgeon from the Animal Hospital at Murdoch, was available. Dr Barney suggested laser surgery, something we had not previously tried. Given the extensive growth of the cancers we were keen to give it a try, and within a week, Brownie was fasting in anticipation for his procedure.
The cancer removal went to plan, and within an hour, Brownie was in his recovery stall and enjoying a snack. We were able to visit Brownie the following day, and were so relieved to see him comfortable and bright. He loved the attention of clinic staff and students, and his dressing changes could be done without restraint thanks to his favourite brush, which we had packed with his belongings for his hospital stay. Brushing Brownie encouraged him to happily stand while his dressings and ointments were applied, making post-surgery treatment a breeze!
Within a week, Brownie
was able to come home to the Sanctuary for continuing care, and the vet team
were very impressed with his rapid recovery. Brownie will always need
ongoing skin checks. We are vigilant of cancerous growths on his skin and
we are so appreciative of the medical expertise available to assist our farm friends!