By Chris R.

Just a day after a sheep tragically died adjacent to the
passenger train line south of Perth, we were alerted by a volunteer to another sheep sighting in Midvale, near busy Great Eastern Highway. Concerned for the sheep’s welfare, three of our incredible volunteers swung
into action, driving and walking around the area where the frightened ewe was last sighted,
but unfortunately to no avail.
The next day, however, we received
word that ranger staff from the Shire of Mundaring had managed to capture the
small sheep and she was being held safely at the Pound until her owner could be
located. When no owner was found, we were pleased to offer her a
safe place in the Valley.
Brandy’s arrival was an exciting day, more so for us than
her. When moving her to the float we discovered that she was a true
athlete, capable of jumping eight feet from a standing start! Regular fencing
was unlikely to hold this woolly jumper.
Relocating Brandy from the float to
her new paddock was a challenge. As the quarantine yard prepared for her
arrival had only four foot fencing, it was decided that she would need to go
straight into her new home after her vaccinations and worming.
Chance, Wanda, Carmen and Mary were excited to meet their
new flock mate. Within an hour, Brandy had relaxed and was eating with
her sheep friends and within a week she recognised the feed ute and
began coming forward for her dinner. After two weeks, she allowed us to get
close enough to place lucerne, her favourite, nearby without dashing
away. Time, patience and tasty treats slowly won Brandy over.
Welcome to the Valley Brandy – hopefully your jumping skills
will no longer be needed as you settle into Sanctuary life.