Saturday 11 February 2023

Lizard Encounter


The reptiles in the Valley are certainly enjoying the warm summer days, and a number of bobtails and skinks have been sighted in the Sanctuary’s bushland. Everyone enjoys looking out for scaley friends throughout the summer months. 

Just last weekend, volunteer Kenneth spied this beautiful Gould’s (or sand) monitor (Varanus gouldii) in the equipment shed on the shelf! Ken, who is highly experienced with reptiles of all kinds, carefully moved the goanna to the safety of the forest, as we were concerned he may get hot when the shed was locked at the end of the day. Once in the forest, he gave Ken a stare then promptly clambered up a very tall jarrah tree to safety – such a special find!



Cherry the Muscovy


In late January we were contacted regarding a domestic duck who had made herself at home in a backyard in the suburbs.  
The residents were happy to accommodate her visits, naming her Cherry and leaving out food and water. 
Sadly, however, the family that elderly Cherry had attached herself to were moving interstate and she again needed to find a place to call home. 
Cherry’s family contacted the Valley, and arrangements were made for Cherry to join the special needs ducks where she can relax and enjoy keeping cool in her autumn years.

Cherry is a friendly little lady and has already made great friends with Genevieve, another female Muscovy – it’s wonderful to see the pair bobbing about in their clam of water together!

Monday 6 February 2023

Volunteer Information Session

This Saturday 11 February 2023

11.00 am to 12.30 pm

Want to become a regular Sanctuary volunteer? Come along to our new starters session and learn about how you can help the animals.

We won't be doing any actual work during the session although volunteers will need to be physically fit, without injury and capable of physical labour. 

We will be walking around the Sanctuary and into paddocks so you will need to bring sunscreen, hat, gloves, a water bottle and strong closed in shoes.

Volunteers must be over the age of 16.

Spaces are limited so please be quick in securing your free ticket. 

Tickets are available from:

We look forward to seeing you there!


Welcome to Possum Valley baby Jack!

In early December we were alerted to a newborn baby goat at a quarry north of Perth. He had narrowly escaped the attention of a fox thanks to an attentive worker at the site.

Baby Jack was very hungry, stressed and had an upset tummy. There was no sign of his mum, so he was bundled to safety and soon on the road to see Dr Kevin for a health check and treatment.

Jack appeared to be only a day or two old. Despite his ordeal, he was soon learning how to suckle his formula.  By evening, he had found his bounce, and was investigating his new home in the Valley.

Jack has now settled well into Sanctuary life. He loves going for walks with the volunteers, and watches Tofu goat with great interest! Watch this space for more Jack updates as he grows!




Dentist Day in the Valley


Dr Tom from Perth Horse Dentistry and Veterinary Services came to visit the Valley in early December. 

Just like people, animals need dental care too - from sheep to donkeys, goats to dogs, all of our residents have access to dental checks and treatments as needed.  

With the help of volunteer Rob, Dr Tom managed to see all seven of the Sanctuary’s equines during his visit – which is a big job! 

Each animal was provided with sedation and gently walked into Tom’s horse crush before their teeth were checked, cleaned and filed as needed. 

Albert and Victoria donkeys, despite their age, had a very good report from the dentist, while big Duffy donkey has a problem back tooth which will be monitored and further investigated on Dr Tom’s next visit. 

Spud took his dental visit all in his stride. He was also the sleepiest of the donkeys, napping until evening feed time, when he ate his meadow hay. 

Thanks Rob and Dr Tom for keeping our donkey and horse herd’s teeth in good working order!

You can learn about the incredible work Tom does for equines and other large animals at