Friday, 6 July 2018

Native Arc Visit Possum Valley

By Chris R.

On Sunday the 24th of June, a team of enthusiastic animal lovers from Native Arc visited the Sanctuary for a busy bee.  

Native Arc work tirelessly to help native animals in need in the south metro area.  The organisation cares for over 3000 native animals each year and we were excited to have them spend the day in the Valley.  

The group worked on a number of important jobs, including the installation of a new possum pre-release aviary, fox proofing of two new rooster shelters, placing mesh around trees to prevent damage by the sanctuary goats and raking litter up into piles to assist our burn off program.  Following a morning of hard work, the team enjoyed a cruelty free sausage sizzle and tour with guide Kym.

We are very appreciative of this amazing team’s effort – to learn more about the important work done by Native Arc, see


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