Friday 11 October 2024

Vegan & Gluten Free Recipe - Chocolate Cherry Muffins


Ingredients (makes 12 medium sized muffins):

- Approximately 3 cups of gluten free self raising flour. We used the 'I'm Free From' brand from Coles. You may find you need a bit more or less depending on the kind of gluten free flour you use

- 1/2 cup of cocoa powder

- 1 cup of caster sugar

- 3/4 cup of vegan chocolate chips. We used the dark chocolate organic Noble Choice brand

- 1/2 cup of oil of your choice

- Approximately 1 to 1 1/2 cups of soy milk or other milk substitute. You may require more or less milk depending on the flour you are using. You don't want the batter too stiff and dry, but also not too wet as the chocolate chips and cherry pieces may sink to the bottom of the muffins

- 1 teaspoon of vanilla essence

- 1 bag (200g) of roughly chopped glace cherries. Leave some as halves to place on the tops of the muffins

- The equivalent of 2 eggs made up with a vegan egg replacer. We used the 'Yes You Can' brand


- In one bowl, combine the flour, sugar and cocoa.  

- In a second bowl, mix the oil, milk, vanilla and egg.

- Combine the two bowls and mix. 

- Stir through the chopped cherries and half a cup of the chocolate chips, saving back some chocolate chips and halved cherries for the tops of the muffins.

- Prepare a muffin tin with paper cases. We sprayed our cases with oil to prevent sticking. Add the batter to the cases.

- Sprinkle the remaining chocolate chips on the tops of the muffins and add the halved cherries.

- Bake for approximately half an hour at 180C, testing with a skewer to ensure the centre is cooked.

 These are delicious eaten warm (either fresh or you can reheat in the microwave) on their own or as a special dessert with vegan whipped cream or icecream.

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